How to Catch a Woman on the Rebound

“Listen to all her problems attentively”
Maybe you had a bad breakup in the past; one with thrown possessions, tears, and accusations flying everywhere from both sides. They aren’t pretty, and they aren’t fun to deal with. Once you’re done with the relationship, you don’t talk to the woman you were with, so you don’t know how she feels. We’ll clue you in. After a breakup, women are extremely vulnerable, and no matter how many times they swear up and down that they’re done with dating and don’t want anything to deal with a man again for a long time, they actually want a relationship even more than they might have wanted it before. After being hurt so badly, they want someone to prove to them that not every relationship is as terrible as the one they just left. With that being said, there are a few guidelines you should follow for catching a woman “on the rebound.”
Be Respectful of Boundaries

“Show her care and do not cross any boundaries”
Although she really wants a man to show her that not everything hurts like she’s probably feeling it does right about now, she’s still going to be a little hesitant. Shy and reserved, she will have certain topics that you shouldn’t ask her about even if you do want to figure out what happened so you can help (and know what not to do). Be respectful of the fact that she might not want to open up about everything that happened and don’t be worried that you hardly know her. She’ll open up about it in time. Starting a relationship with a woman on the rebound requires no small amount of patience.
Comfort Her When She Needs It
One of the most important things you need to show her during this time of heartache is that you’re there for her. No woman want a man who isn’t interested in her problems and shies away from talking about the serious topics. If you’re a very affectionate and an understanding guy, it’ll be good for you because it means lots of time spent curled up on the couch with her head on your shoulder as she talks about her worries or long nights in bed together discussing things. Being with a woman on the rebound can either stay casual or get serious very quickly, depending on the woman.