To Call or Not to Call: There is No Question

“Call her if you want something more from her”
The oldest question in the book is whether to call the woman you’ve hooked up with or not. These days, it also might mean text or e-mail, but it’s the same idea – do you contact a hookup afterwards? Well, let’s go through a few things first. Do you want to see her again? Did you have a good time? Does she seem like she might be looking for something more serious than a hookup? The questions go on and on, so let us help you out by sharing our experiences of when it was a good idea to call, and when it was a bad one.
Figuring Out What You Want
Figuring out what you want boils down to whether or not you want to hook up with the woman you meet again. Was it a onetime thing? For some men, they just don’t want to see repeats while dating around. At the same time, if you hit a gold mine, why then go digging around for diamonds? In other words, if you meet a woman you have chemistry with in the bedroom, it’s definitely not a bad idea to entertain the notion of seeing her again. That doesn’t mean you want to get to know her better or enter into anything serious, but wanting to repeat fantastic sex is just common sense, but make sure she knows where you stand.
Figuring Out What She Wants
The Next Step

“Fix up a venue for the next time”
This is where you decide whether to follow up after your first hookup and call/e-mail/text – whatever your preferred method of communication is – or just be silent and keep your cool. Basically, if you contact the woman, she’s going to assume you’re interested in more. This is fine as long as you make clear that you’re in it for sex. You don’t have to be crass, of course, and you can compliment her on her skills in bed, but don’t even remotely infer that you’re interested in anything serious. Contacting her after you hook up doesn’t commit you to anything more serious than another hookup, but bear in mind that you should go in with an agenda. If you contact her, don’t just say hello. You have to know why you’re contacting her, whether it’s asking to hook up again, or go on a date.