What to Do When She Doesn’t Call

“Do not wait for her to call”
Nothing is more upsetting or more frustrating than when your date doesn’t call back after you go out for the first time. Even though you worked hard to try and give her the best date ever, women don’t always bite and she might just end up not being interested. It doesn’t mean that you didn’t do well or that you aren’t charismatic and attractive. Some women are just ridiculously picky, and others even go on first dates and never call back just for the fun of it. So, when the blues are setting in and she isn’t calling you back, what should you do?
Give Her a Call
Keep Your Head High
If you have been dumped, don’t let it phase you too much. After all, it wasn’t as if you’d been dating for a long time. One date does not make a relationship, so don’t let it get to you. Keep your chin up and tell yourself all the cons about her, so you don’t feel as bad about the whole situation. Don’t get spiteful and send her rude texts or anything, but there’s no reason to put yourself down over something like this. You’re still a great guy that women will go nuts over, just not that woman in particular. Ah well, you can’t please them all.
Get Back Out There

“Start flirting with some other beautiful woman at the bar”
The worst thing you can do once you’ve been dumped is to become reclusive. Holing yourself up in your house might seem like the right thing to do until you start feeling better, but it’s actually the opposite. Getting back into the dating scene as soon as you can is best, because then the memory of her doesn’t linger. Staying at home thinking about that one glorious date will just leave you feeling empty and like you failed somehow, so don’t subject yourself to that. Get off the couch or out of bed, get dressed up, and head on out to the bar. There are a million other ladies just dying to go on dates with you, and this one girl doesn’t mean a thing. There are millions of other fish in the sea.