What to Do When You Can’t Get It Up

“Don’t leave your woman just like that”
Unfortunately, it has happened to the best of us at one time or another. There’s been a smoking hot woman in front of us, and for whatever reason, we can’t get it up. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with you, but your dick is just refusing to work with you. What are you supposed to do? Call everything off? No way. You’ve gotten this far so you’ll just have to improvise.
Use Your Hands

“Seducing her will make you hard”
The number one thing here isn’t actually getting it up, it’s pleasing the woman you’re with. You don’t want to have to use the whole “This is the first time this has ever happened” line. Right now you have to focus all that you have on using your hands and/or mouth on her. It might seem a little weird at first, but if you’re getting her off she’ll at least have a good time. If you’re more considerate than most guys, she’ll probably want to try again at some point, which is a redeeming chance for you. However, while you’re pleasuring your woman you may be getting turned on too. There is a chance that touching her and getting reactions from her will actually get you hard.
Excuse Yourself For a Moment
You might just need some time to breathe and get your head back in the game. Most of the time not being able to get a boner is due to being stressed out or nervous about what’s about to happen. The whole event will go much smoother if you just take a minute to yourself and give your dick a pep talk. Sometimes it helps to check in with your body and see if you have to take a leak or something. Finish up whatever business is going on with your insides and try to get back to the lady waiting in the bedroom as soon as you can.
Use a Toy on Her
If it’s available, use a vibrator or dildo on her. She might not admit it, but she would rather you do something to her than spend the rest of the night watching movies. You most likely won’t have the best grip on this sort of object, so take it slow at first. Play around with the settings and find the spot that makes her moan. As she gets more into it start becoming more adventurous. In the end either she will finish and you’ll be super considerate or you’ll get turned on enough to join in.
Try Again Later
If there’s really no other option then simply try again later. Make up some excuse for it (diarrhea, stress, nerves, etc.) and find something else to do for the evening. Neither of you will believe the excuse you made up without some symptoms attached, but that doesn’t really matter. She won’t be upset with you, but next time you’d better try your hardest to get ready for sex. If you keep getting a limp noodle, she’s not going to be impressed and she may start looking elsewhere for her kicks.