Making a First Impression: Details Count
Making a first impression on a lady is easy, however making a good first impression is difficult for most men. Some main pointers for making a good impression is to shower, put on fresh deodorant and a careful amount of cologne. Do not even bother using Axe, you will smell like an amateur.
Stop practicing pickup lines like an inexperienced teenage boy because they won’t get you anywhere. You might think it’s a fun way to strike up a conversation with a woman but the moment you use that pickup line, that’s it, you’re done. She will know you have researched “How to impress women” online, blowing your cover. Know your body language and use it confidently; if you’re too focused on how to behave you won’t pay attention to her. Moving your hands, tapping the table, or playing with a serviette are signs you aren’t paying attention to her. Sit upright and don’t slouch and pay attention to the way her body moves. If she leans back, don’t lean after, look into her eyes and smile, but don’t forget to blink.
Take your hands out of your pockets and greet her with a smile and a firm handshake. Did you remember to moisturize your hands? Did you match your shoes with your belt? Is your hair combed? If the answer to these questions are no, then you’re out. Would you want to go on a date with a woman who looks like she hasn’t showered for days and hasn’t tied her shoelaces? Exactly, so go back and comb your hair.
Where should you go for your first date? How much money should you spend? Well, how much money can you spend? Women these days want to help with the check or even pay for the bill all by themselves. If she says she will pay for the check, you should suggest paying for it anyway or at least split, but don’t fight with her for it. Just be polite.
If the best restaurant you can afford is McDonald’s, that’s fine, it’s the quality not the quantity that counts. Make a good first impression because not even The Delaunay will save you if you make a lousy first impression.
Your first impression doesn’t end until she’s home. Every detail until the end of the date counts, so look good, feel good, and good luck!