Manscaping Tips
Just like you wouldn’t want to bring home a woman with a veritable forest on her legs, women have their standards for body and facial hair as well. Believe it or not, the majority of women aren’t looking for a lumberjack or a homeless man, so it’s important to take care of yourself and make a good impression. A lack of “manscaping” or general body maintenance tells her that you can’t even keep up with your basic hygiene, and she won’t want to deal with that. If you don’t even know where to start with your razor and scissors, here are a few tips to keep you clean and desirable to women.
Beard Maintenance

“Shave regularly to look more attractive”
Take it from us; women don’t go for men with full beards. Of course a select few do, but you’ll have way more luck if you just trim that down. You might be really proud of how long your beard has gotten, but if you want to get a girlfriend and not send women running for the hills, then you have to get it under control. Instead of sporting a full beard, try shaving it down to a nice, manageable goatee or a chinstrap. These styles are in fashion with women these days, and are very easy to maintain. Just trim yourself up every few days to keep the hair close to your face, and you’re golden.
Body Hair
Choosing a Good Hairstyle

“She’ll love you for your short hair”
Unless you’re in a band, long hair isn’t as popular on men as it used to be. Keeping a short hairstyle makes you look clean and successful. Long hair isn’t often accepted at the workplace, so a man with long hair will come off to women as being lazy and unemployed. She isn’t looking to take care of you; she’s looking for a man to take care of her, so she’ll just pass you by. If you’re worried about shearing your hair, don’t worry because there are plenty of short haircuts women find attractive. You don’t have to keep it slicked back like your dad or anything like that to make women happy. Just have it be manageable and shorter than her own hair.