Three Vintage Looks That Will Get You Laid
Women these days are much more into fashionable men – it’s a pain, but that’s just how the cookie crumbles. Even more than being in style, you can get countless women by having a vintage fashion sense that the ladies can’t get enough of. There’s nothing more attractive to a woman than a man who knows how to dress himself; it shows that he’s mature, self-sufficient, and motivated. If you’re having a hard time deciding which looks get the most girls, take a hint from some old-school hunks and check out these three vintage looks that are sure to get you laid.
The Greaser

“Women fall for the vintage look – Get one”
Hailing from the 50’s, this classic bad boy look is hard to pull off, but worth the effort. The clothes are cheap – can you say ripped jeans, leather jackets, and wife beaters? The catch is the hair; you can’t pull off the greaser look without just the right hairstyle. You’ll be fussing with it constantly, so get ready to carry a comb on you at all times. The key to getting your hair just right is to have it short on the sides and long on the top – it’ll seem like a fauxhawk when it isn’t done up. Style it with copious amounts of gel in a pompadour fashion (think Elvis), pop a cigarette in your mouth, and look as broody as you can while the women climb you like a tree.
The Punk
The Gentleman

“The gentleman look is an evergreen one”
Every woman loves a gentleman, especially one that looks like he came straight out of the 20’s. To pull off this look, you have to keep yourself carefully maintained. Shave at least once daily, keep your hair trimmed and nicely slicked back, and just keep an overall clean appearance. Your clothes should always be nice and pressed – own a lot of suspenders and vests. It isn’t the most practical look, but it makes you seem cultured and elegant as well as a total romantic. You won’t be able to pry the women off of you when you’re sporting this look, so dress up with caution.