Vacation Flings: How To

“Approach her and ask a general question about the place”
You’re out for a vacation with your friends. This isn’t a fishing vacation. This is a vacation where you have one thing on your mind. That thing is a no strings attached, knock your socks off, curl your toes kind of sex-fest that you only see in movies. You’re no stranger to knocking boots around town, dating online is easy for you. However, how do you pick up a lady that you met in your hotel bar, or at a club? Well, those things are a slightly different. However, a lot of the same rules apply: women are attracted to money and power.
Location Location Location
Some places are more inclined to get people into the mood for a one night stand. Vegas, for example, is famous for people simply letting loose and letting go. That’s why the city that never sleeps have the motto what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. The same is true for a lot of tropical or ″spring break″ style destinations. However, you don’t have to rely on the location to do all of your work for you. It’s just as easy to meet someone who is ready for a one night stand in any city.
Be Relaxed
When you see a woman sitting alone at a hotel bar, go over to her and ask if she minds some company. If she says that she wouldn’t mind, buy her a drink. Start talking. Here’s where you need to be direct, but not too forward. For example, don’t tell her you’re looking to score. Instead say that you’re here in town on vacation and were bored. If she starts getting flirty, then you’re looking for an in. Try to figure out if she’s looking for the same thing, by asking if she was trolling for action too. Don’t push yourself on anyone. Make sure that if she starts to turn from you, roll her shoulders, or looks around the room, you back off.
Be Careful She’s Not a Prostitute

“Go for a one night stand while on your vacations”
So how do you know if the chick you’re talking to will let you play without pay? Honestly, the best course of action is to talk to her for a while. Prostitutes will steer the conversation to sex fairly quickly, and if they do, you can comment about cost, or simply say you want to make it worth her time. Some code words that they’re going to use would be ″do you want to party.″ That means go to her room and get laid for pay. This may be your only chance with a high-dollar call girl. We’re simply reminding you of that. Make sure that you’re not whipping out money for any old girl. Some women may be offended, and then you’re definitely out for the evening.