We Ranked Be2.co.uk Poorly For A Reason. Why Didn’t Be2.co.uk Make Our Top Five UK Dating Sites?
Be2.co.uk is a confusing mess of a website that raises more questions than it answers. This site is rubbish, yes, but it’s so cluttered and strange to use that it makes you wonder who thought this site was a good idea.
Most of the site seems to be focused around chat rooms. Given that most of the topics we saw sounded like furious granddads railing against the NHS, this isn’t the best sort of site to find a date.

Terrible experience on this site and no results. Save yourself and read about the best dating services for Britains to maximize your success and find a date.
After Three Months, Here Are Our Results From Using Be2.co.uk’s Services
During our Be2 review, we sent out 360 messages. We’re a group of four blokes, so that’s three months’ worth of work for us, each sending out a new email to a new woman every day.
We only got back nine responses. Not only is that an insultingly low percentage, but it just bears out how useless this site is for meeting women. None of those nine were worth meeting, as far as we were concerned.
We Think Be2.co.uk Is Not Worth Joining, And Here’s Why
We’re not sure exactly what the point of Be2.co.uk is. It looks like it’s to help men and women find dates, but you wouldn’t know it to look at their terrible website, or to listen to the name.
If there were one thing that could make this site better (short of setting it on fire and starting over), it would be to recruit more women. It seemed like there were about 30 men for every woman.
Final Be2.co.uk Review: Is There Any Use for Be2.co.uk To Find Dates Online?
Don’t use Be2.co.uk for online dating in the UK. There are MUCH better websites, like Xpress. That’s our number one ranked website for dating services for a reason.
be2 is really not a good site. i think that in general this site really deserves a bad review and so here it is from me, pass it up in general
there’s no comparison to this site, it’s just awful. you won’t get a single date on here, its’ just a waste of your time and money in general
i think that this site is just one big scam. it’s not good at all and the women on here that i’ve seen thus far are mostly fakes
i was hoping that be2 was legit but i’m really not sure so far. i hope that it ends up being that way because i can see a lot of potential in this site
not a good site at all and it never will be. just forget about it and move on to something else, it’s just not a good site at all
it’s just a test run turned wrong. it’s not a good site at all and i think that be2 is one site that really needs to end up being taken down
the only rating i can give this site is a bad one. it’s just not good at all, the women i’ve seen on here so far have all be fake or inactive
when it comes to my new review 2013 list i will definitely be ranking this one pretty low. the only good thing about this site is the hot pics
for dating i think that be2 is kind of hit and miss. it’s just not my favorite site out of all them but i hope that it picks up in the future
sites like this aren’t usually my cup of tea and i’m not convinced to keep trying them out with this one. it’s just not a good site at all
only review i’ll pass along to be2 is a bad one. it’s just a bad site with a lot of fakes on it that are trying to scam you out of a lot of moeny
this site has no comparison to how bad it is. it’s just a gross site and i think that it would be better off shut down than allowed to keep scamming
i am pretty sure this site is nothing but a scam and i think it would be much better off just closed down already. pass this one over and move on
i can’t figure out if be2 is legit or not. i hope that it is but i’m not holding out much hope for that, it’s been pretty slow moving so far
not sure if this site is any good or anything like that and it doesn’t sem to be so far. i don’t think i’ll be back to use this one on in the future
it was just a test run and i don’t think it’s one that went well at all. pass up be2, this site just hasn’t seemed to be good so far
the only rating i’ll give this site is a bad one. it deserves a low ranking and it’s just not very good at all so save your money for a site you can actually date on
when i make my new review 2013 list this one will be right at the very bottom. it’s not a good site and i can’t imagine anyone relaly enjoying it
for dating this site seems to be pretty hit and miss? i think that be2 has potential but it hasn’t show me a lot of it in general
not into sites like this and this one just hasn’t really helped me change my mind about it. just pass this one up and you’ll be happier
the only review i’ll give this site is a bad one. be2 just is unfortunatley not good and i don’t think i can recommend it to anyone
this site has few comparisons and most of htem are akin to crap. it’s just not a good site and i wont’ be back to use it again in the future
nothing but a scam as far as i can see. this site just misses on all points for me and i am really not interested in trying to make it work
i was hoping that this site would be legit but now i’ not sure. be2 has a lot of potential but it just doesn’t seem to be doing what i want
not a good site and it never will be as far as i can tell. it’s really sort of a miss in all points and i think it would be better off shut down